National assessment standards for Part 1 and Part 2 services
A national minimum dataset, including core outcome measures
A fit for purpose central system for data analysis, data reporting and benchmarking against agreed indicators (including service user experience)
A clinical audit model embedded within a peer-review network
Core Outcome Measures
An agreed set of core outcome measures for adults is currently being piloted. The measures have been selected to be brief, simple to administer and score, and helpful to the individual, clinician and service. They cover the three clusters identified in the recently published all Wales framework for the routine use of outcome tools in mental health and learning disability services.
Downloadable PDF's of the below are available here
Improvement in my wellbeing
ITQ – International Trauma Questionnaire (18 items)
CORE-OM – Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation (34 item version)
WSAS – Work and Social Adjustment Scale (5 items)
Being able to set, agree and achieve my own goals/outcomes
GBO – Goal Based Outcome Tool (3 items)
My experience and satisfaction
CSQ-8 – Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (8 item version)
Further information on the work of the assessment and outcomes workstream will be published on this page as it becomes available.